
This Footballer's Business Might Not Only Make Him Mega Rich, It Might End Global Warming.

Mathieu Flamini is about to save the world. Maybe.

In the sort of revelation that you don't normally see from footballers, Flamini revealed that he owns a biochemical company, founded in 2008 when he was in Milan, that produces acids that could potentially replace molecules.

Flamini's company, GFBiochemicals, is the first company to mass produce Levulinic Acids, which are considered a potential replacement for petrol by the U.S. Department of Energy. There are currently 12 molecules the department has identified as potential petrol replacements. 

The market for Levulinic Acids, which GFBiochemicals was the first company to enter, is said to be worth approximately €20 billion.

Usually when you see the words "footballer" "reveal" and "2008" in the same sentence, they're revealing either something horrible or completely inane. This qualifies as neither.

"For seven years I haven’t mentioned it to anyone. When I moved to Milan in 2008 I met Pasquale (Granata, his business partner), who became a close friend and we always had in mind to do something together," Flamini told SunSport. “I was always close to nature and concerned about environmental issues, climate change and global warming."

Holy cow, a footballer made a sound business decision and it's a thing that can help other people? What is happening here? Who are you and what have you done with the stupid footballer who gets rowdy and is a bad person? Oh you put him in jail? Fair.

Good on Mathieu Flamini for having a brain and a conscience. Well, there goes the myth of the dumb footballer. For a while.

(H/T FOX Soccer)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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