Much commotion surrounded the walking out of Liverpool fans in the 77th minute of Liverpool's home match against Sunderland. The walkout protested ticket prices, which have risen to 77 pounds in some main stand seats (hence the timing of the walkout). Borussia Dortmund fans are a lot like Liverpool fans in that they care deeply about their club and also ticket prices (they are also intimately familiar with Jurgen Klopp).
Borussia Dortmund fans planned their own protest of their club's rising ticket prices, but Dortmund's was a little more comical than Liverpool's.
Borussia Dortmund Fan Demonstration
Serious question: do the tennis balls symbolize anything? If so, what? Or did the fans just want to create the biggest distraction they could think of? Make a little mischief? Is it like the Occupy Wall Street thing where poor people protested the rich and annoyed them for a little, but didn't actually get any reform accomplished? Far as I can tell, they're just out a bunch of tennis balls. Hope it works out for them, though.
Best part of that video: the players had to pick the tennis balls up. It did get us wondering what other objects the Dortmund fans considered before settling on tennis balls. Life is good sometimes.

Photo: @TrollFootball | Twitter
(H/T SB Nation)
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