
Some Absolute Moron At Juventus Just Lost Their Job Over Shockingly Racist Tweet

The person in charge of the Juventus women’s Twitter account needs to be fired ASAP after posting a racist tweet. The racist Juventus tweet in question is about as blatant as they come. The post was up for 26 minutes (26 minutes too long) and featured Italian player Cecilia Salvai mocking Asian people. Here is the racist Juventus tweet.

About as racist as possible.

The Juventus admin has attempted some damage control with an apology, but it’s one of the weakest apologies ever seen.

“Sorry for hitting you with a car, we didn’t mean to hurt you by hitting you with a car.” 

The replies to the since deleted tweet roasted the absolute hell of out Juventus, which was a beautiful sight to see.

The roast session continued in the replies to the apology.

Rant Time

I usually keep a level head when writing my articles and try to be fair. I won’t be doing that this time around. If you’re reading along with children, I recommend closing the laptop or turning off the phone now. This is about to get vulgar.

How fucking stupid and insensitive can you be? Seriously, after all the calls to end racism over the past year how god damn thick does your dumbass skull have to be to look at that tweet and think it’s a good idea?

THEY EVEN USED EMOJIS FOR IT WHICH IS THE WORST PART. What did these asshats expect to happen? The racism is so casual it’s damning.

Salvai isn’t out of the woods either you dumb fuck. How about you take that cone off your head and shove it up your rectum. Salvai needs to do some serious soul searching and get a grip. Salvai and the admin should be held accountable for their actions because Thursday’s tweet was nothing short of a disgrace.

The swear jar is going to be filled today. Fuck you Juventus admin.

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