
Portugal Remain Standing After The Rest Of The World Falls Asleep

Portugal defeated Croatia 1-0 after 117 minutes of sleep-inducing tedium. To call it a tactical battle is to turn a blind eye towards both sides' lack of ambition and risk taking. A show that promised the likes of Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic, Nani and Cristiano Ronaldo resulted in 116 minutes of football without a shot on target — Ricardo Quaresma sparing us from the second shootout of the opening day of knockout fixtures. 

Croatia should’ve entered the match full of confidence and verve following their table-topping victory over Spain. Their early midfield dominance displayed the technique and talent of a highly accomplished side. However, they rarely ventured any further than midfield and lacked the adequate thrust to trouble the Portugal backline.


Portugal continue to reap the benefits of this expanded tournament. They are the first side in history to advance to the knockout rounds of the Euros without a victory, and their performance here was hardly inspiring. 

Ronaldo was peripheral and their midfield was outclassed for large portions of the match. As the old adage goes, you create your own luck in this game, and Portugal found their stroke of genius near the end of extra time.  

For almost an hour and a half Croatia seemed hellbent on not getting beaten by Ronaldo, Nani or the substitute Ricardo Quaresma. Then, to Croatia's great chagrin, that trio beat them. Croatia went about the most threatening attack of the game in the 115th minute, only to have Portugal launch a vicious counterattack of their own.

Nani’s speculative ball towards Cristiano Ronaldo found its way through, only for Danijel Subasic to save the Real Madrid man's effort. Fortunately for Portugal, and neutral spectators worldwide, the rebound fell to Quaresma. The maverick winger put the ball home, thus ending one of the worst football matches in recent memory. 

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