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The 3-Step Process To Make Your Funny FIFA 21 Clips Go Viral

Funny FIFA 21 clips are one of the few things that will get me across the god-forsaken finish line of 2020.

Every young FIFA player has dreamed of becoming a famous FIFA player via YouTube, Twitch, etc., but only the tiniest sliver of players actually make it big and become celebrities of the video game. I can’t guarantee you stardom, otherwise I would already be doing that. What I can offer is an easy three-step guide to get as many people as possible to view your funny FIFA 21 clips.

3-Step Process To Make Your Funny FIFA 21 Clips Go Viral

Step 1: Record a funny/crazy moment that happens in one of your games.

This is the hardest step: actually having something funny happen in one of your games. I have played endless hours of FIFA through the years and could count on one hand the amount of hilarious moments I’ve seen. 

The funnier the mistake that the players make or wilder the recording is will definitely increase the chances of the clip going viral. If you’re lucky enough to have an incident take place, make sure to clip it and then you’re ready for phase two.

Step 2: Download TikTok.

I know this might be the last app you want to download and I’m sorry. TikTok’s algorithm and its “For You Page” is far superior than what any Twitter, Instagram or YouTube post will do. In order to get the maximum number of eyes on your golden clip, I think TikTok will provide the most exposure.

Step 3: Upload your clip using this sound.

This TikTok audio of a streamer raging has quickly become a top audio for FIFA fails.

The sound used for loads of viral funny FIFA 21 clips is from Dutch streamer SateejTV absolutely losing it during one of his matches. Thousands of TikToks have been made using the Dutch streamer raging as the background noise for their clips. The most successful TikToks with this audio have gotten over 3 million views.

Here are some examples (warning, the audio will get repetitive very fast):

Watch on TikTok

Watch on TikTok

Watch on TikTok

I can’t guarantee that your clip will get millions of views, but this TikTok trend of funny FIFA 21 clips paired with this audio is still relatively fresh. Trends can die overnight, so if you have a clip that you feel is worthy I’d recommend giving it a shot.

Adding hashtags like “#fifa21” and “#fifafails” can also increase viewership. 

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