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FC Barcelona's New Home Kits Are Gross

FC Barcelona released new home kits for the 2021-2022 La Liga season and they're chaotically terrible. The new shirts appear as if the creators never agreed on a set design and continued the fight throughout the process.

With Barcelona being in severe debt, we should have assumed the new kits would be this bad. They feature verticle traditional blaugrana stripes and a new design inspired by the team crest. With tons of stripes and lots of colors, these kits fail to impress.

The new kits fall extremely short of being anything close to a masterpiece as the elements combine to make a clown fit. The use of numerous different stripes overwhelms the eye. The vertical stripes clash with the smaller horizontals ones, making the kit a big mess. The aesthetic is too chaotic with ugly designs and many stripes. Fans of classic and sleek jerseys will cringe when they take the field.

The striped socks remind me of The Cat in the Hat from Dr. Suess, making these even more of a joke. The only positive in my opinion is the fire half and half shorts which I would rock any day. They aren't ruined by unnecessary lines and designs. 

The team explained their choices through a statement released with the kits, "Barça’s new strip makes the maximum use of the club crest. On the front, at chest height, fans will find the St. George Cross, representing the patron saint of Barcelona and the Senyera (the striped Catalan flag). Two elements that define the club’s identity and its ties to city and country, but reimagined in this particular instance in the famous blaugrana colours, while the traditional vertical stripes feature below, albeit somewhat stylised to give them a more modern look."

The messy Kits repulsed Barcelona and soccer fans immediately and they took to social media to voice their opinions. 

It seems as if very few people are excited about the new kits. Nike and FC Barcelona get a C- for this one. Overall it comes off very chaotic and reminds me of the circus. Being a fan of classic jerseys, this one really disappointed me but we might just need to wait to see how Lionel Messi looks wearing it. 

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