
Video: That Time Donald Trump Drew The FA Cup Quarterfinals

Presidential candidate Donald Trump, a.k.a. Donald Drumpf, a.k.a. the Vulgar Talking Yam, a.k.a. F***face Von Clownstick, is actually a big soccer fan. 

He likes the game so much he actually helped draw the FA Cup quarterfinals in 1992.

Donald Trump Does Draws The FA Cup Quarterfinals

Amazing that he can hold the numbers with his tiny sausage fingers.

"It's a great game, I love soccer. I played, actually, in high school."

Excuse us while we go vomit.

It's really weird how rational and normal Trump seems in this video. We're sure it's just trick camera work or something.

(H/T Bleacher Report)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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