
Neymar Got A New Haircut. Messi And Suarez Immediately Made Fun Of It

Neymar got a new haircut. This in and of itself is not super noteworthy. Neymar gets new haircuts all the time.

What is noteworthy is how Neymar's partners on the Barcelona forward line, Luis Suarez and Lionel Messi, reacted to Neymar's new look, which looks kid of like a starter version of an '80s rocker mullet, with the sides shaved and the top and back slightly grown out.

Neymar haircut

Ladies and gentlemen, the next lead singer of Loverboy. Photo: @barca_nations

In the parlance of our times, they clowned on it. 

Oh, did they clown on it, which, fair enough. Dude looks like he's preparing for a career after football as a member of Journey.

Neymar Haircut

This is a good thing. Messi and Suarez are both at least five years older than Neymar, and it's their duty as men over the age of 28 (which is to say real adults) to let the young buck know that his haircut is stupid.

"Dude you make millions every year. You can afford a real actual haircut."

Someday Neymar will be the one making fun of some young flashy striker's hair. But not yet.

(H/T CBS Sports)

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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