
Neymar’s New Tattoo Shows How Much He Cares About Staying Humble

It’s been fascinating to see Neymar grow as a player. Once a teenager in Brazil that was capable of pulling off ridiculous goals against subpar competition, he is now a young man in Spain playing for Barcelona, pulling off even more ridiculous goals against world-class defenders. But for all of the success he has on the pitch, he is still humble, and that is what Neymar’s new tattoo reinforces. 

@vtattoo.spain.official @neymarjr Persigue tus metas. Viendo el significado de este tatuaje quizás sería un título acertado para mi obra ,en el que vemos sobre la piel a un joven Neymar recordando sus orígenes,el lugar de donde proviene y como con los años todo esto a quedado atrás en el camino, guiándonos hacia un lugar donde con esfuerzo todos podemos conseguir nuestros sueños,conseguir ser un número 1 .Gracias neymar de nuevo por dejarme tu piel para continuar con mi plan,gracias por inspirarnos a muchos y hacernos soñar con que en cada uno de nosotros existe un Neymar. Miguel Bohigues. Persegue as tuas metas, vendo o significado desta tatuagem esse quiça será o título mais acertado para meu obra em que vemos sobre a pele um jovem Neymar recordando as suas origens, o lugar de onde vem e como com os anos tudo aquilo foi ficando para trás no caminho, guiando-nos para um lugar onde com esforço todos podemos conseguir os nossos sonhos, conseguir ser um numero 1. Obrigado Neymar de novo por me deixares na tua pele continuar com o meu plano, obrigado por inspirar-nos e fazer-nos sonhar que em cada um de nós existe um Neymar.Miguel Bohigues.

A photo posted by Miguel Bohigues (@miguelbohigues) on

The ultra realistic tattoo was created by artist Miguel Bohigues, and if you like tattoos, I highly recommend checking out his Instagram. His work is some of the most photo-realistic I’ve ever seen. 

The caption that goes along with the above Instagram post, written by Bohigues himself, says the following (Note: this is a Google Translation from Portuguese to English, so just keep that in mind).

Seeing the meaning of this tattoo may be a successful title for my work, in which we see Neymar remembering his origins, place of origin and all the years behind us on the road, leading us to a place where we can all endeavor to achieve our dreams, to become a number 1...Thanks again for your skin to continue with my plan. Thanks for inspiring many and making us dream that in each of us there is Neymar. Miguel Bohigues.

@vtattoo.spain.official @neymarjr

A photo posted by Miguel Bohigues (@miguelbohigues) on

In the tattoo, we can see a young child standing on a pitch in what looks like a favela, dreaming about a house, a pitch, and a Champions League trophy. I feel comfortable in assuming that the child is a representation of Neymar himself, and a humble representation at that. 

Neymar has managed to maintain a down-to-earth reputation. He’s constantly hanging out with his family. He’s got an entourage of friends that doesn’t seem to change very much. He’s very religious, sporting a “100% Jesus” headband after winning the Champions League last year. All of these things speak to Neymar being a young man that understands the importance of being humble, and this tattoo is surely another anchor meant to tie him to that value.

As he continues to grow as a player, human, and celebrity, he’s going to need all the anchors he can tie himself to, because success has a habit of carrying people away, and not always to the best places.

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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