The college soccer world suffered a devastating loss when Stanford announced the death of 22-year-old star goalkeeper Katie Meyer on Wednesday. In the initial statement from Stanford, the cause of death wasn’t given.
Katie’s parents, Gina and Steve, showed incredible strength by sharing their thoughts on their daughter’s death with the Today Show on Friday, explaining her death was by suicide. Gina Meyer said they had spoken to Katie hours before her death and her daughter seemed to be doing well.
“She was excited and she had a lot on her plate, and she had a lot going on, but she was happy. She was in great spirits,” Gina Meyer said.
“She was the usual, jovial Katie,” added Katie’s father, Steve Meyer.
The only guess the parents had as to what could have caused Katie so much distress was that she was potentially facing disciplinary action from Stanford. The star goalkeeper had defended a teammate on campus over an incident.
The rest of the interview is heartbreaking. Gina wore Katie’s sweatshirt during the interview because she wanted to be close to her daughter.
Katie Meyer’s Parents Interview
Katie’s loss had been felt across U.S. soccer with multiple teams recognizing her loss.