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Lionel Messi’s Signature Pass Is The Most Unstoppable Play In The Game

Messi is so good he’s automatic. When he plays you know that no one is going to really be able to stop him; sure he might mess up, but the amount of times he’s going to be tackled, have his pass intercepted or take a bad shot are too few to mention. It’s hard to balance incredibly ability, unpredictability, and consistency in the way Messi has. That balance is what has made Messi the player he is today, and that balance is manifested in Messi’s signature pass. 

This video was made by Reddit user shakira11, and is class. 

Even the music is class. “Yes,” I just want to say while sipping a glass of red wine in a smokey parlor, “Yes, Messi, yes!

Messi’s signature pass is simple, you could even call it delicate, but it is deadly. He can cut inside from the right wing and pull it off whenever he wants. It doesn’t matter if he’s moving away from goal, as long as he can square up he can whip/loft that thing in with unerring precision. It’s always the same, always effective, yet still unpredictable, just like Messi himself. 

Messi, like the time when wearing bowler hats will be cool again, you can’t come back soon enough.

messi's signature pass makes us act like this snob.

Like a fine wine, Messi's signature pass has only gotten better with age. Photo: @terroirista | Twitter

For those of you who want to keep on watching passes that are close to works of art, you should really check out the 20 greatest passes of all time. I heard Zidane keeps a copy of it on repeat in his house 24/7.

Follow me on Twitter: @yetly

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