
Chicharito Named the Bundesliga's Most Popular Player In A Fan Vote

To the surprise of appriximately nobody, Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez is the most popular player in the Bundesliga.

We know he's the most popular player in the Bundesliga because the Bundelsiga held a Twitter popularity contest, called "Bundesliga Idol," and, predictably, Hernandez won.

Bundesliga Idol followed the format of its namesake, TV show American Idol, with one contestant voted off every round.

The Bundesliga has a history of doing weird little promotions like this (anyone remember the BunDUCKSliga?), and it was fairly intuitive that Chicharito would win, given that the news of his signing crashed Bayer Leverkusen's website.

The other finalists were Thomas Muller, Robert Lewandowski, Fabian Johnson, Shinji Kagawa and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.

It came down to Hernandez and Kagawa, but there could only be one winner. Hernandez received 75 percent of the votes. Robert Lewandowski took third.

Contact The18 Staff Writer Sam Klomhaus at or follow him on Twitter @SamKlomhaus

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