The Most Casual Double Nutmeg Of All-Time Is The Calling Card Of A True Sociopath

This man lacks a conscience!
March 29, 2018

Behold, the most nonchalant double nutmeg of all-time. Like a video game hero encountering the first two nameless henchmen on level one, our beloved mad lad wastes these two opponents before they fade off our screen entirely.

All that’s left is our gallant No. 9, who looks like he could either kill you with subtle skills (as below) or just “Gonzalo Higuain Truck You” into the afterlife. He’s built like the nameless beast of AMC’s The Terror. He’s the thing that eats on two legs and four. The thing made of muscles and spells.

This still isn’t the greatest casual double meg we’ve ever seen. That accolade belongs to this coach, who pulled a double on the same kid.

Bunch of savages out here.