Cuauhtemoc Blanco Says He's Ahead In The Polls In Mayoral Race

Cuauhtemoc Blanco tweeted a picture of a poll that showed the former Club America and Mexican National Team striker in the lead.
May 26, 2015

Cuauhtemoc Blanco is running for mayor in the Mexican city of Cuernavaca. This is fantastic in and of itself, but what's even more fantastic is it looks like he might actually win. Blanco tweeted a picture of a poll that shows him with a slight lead over his competitors, a massive improvement from his standing when he first announced his candidacy.

This comes as somewhat of a surprise, given that Blanco is representing a political party that was almost completely dissolved not too long ago and he has no experience in politics at all.

Then again, when you're the second-leading-scorer in Mexican National Team (tied with Chicharito) and Club America history, and the leading scorer in Confederations Cup history (tied with Ronaldinho), you get a few votes just for that.

It should be noted that we have no idea where this poll came from, so, theoretically, Blanco could be making all of this up. We prever to believe that this is all true and Blanco is going to win, however.

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