
Internet Reacts to Nightmare Start For Cech, Arsenal

A new season, a new goalkeeper and high expectations were buzzing around the Emirates on Sunday, but the Gunners start to the 2015 Premier League season was ever so Arsenal. 

Almost all the soccer pundits (including us) bought into the early hype for Arsene Wenger’s bunch this season. A top two finish seemed to be the consensus for Arsenal, but after a 2-0 loss to West Ham today, are Gunner fans in for another up and down season? The area of concern for the lads from London: Goalkeeper. The long time Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech had himself a debut to forget as the 35 year-old keep was looking, well, 35. The two goals scored against Arsenal were simply mistakes that you aren’t used to seeing from the Czech international. And, as you would expect, the internet exploded with overreaction following his poor performance. Isn’t the Premier League fun!? Before we get to the hilarious tweets regarding Cech’s performance, take a look at the two goals he allowed. 

Now for the tweets: 

Good stuff Internet. Arsenal will look to get back on track next weekend when they face fellow London club Crystal Palace. The overreation was expected, especially since Arsenal was the butt of the joke. But don’t worry Gooners, luckily for you, it’s the first game of the season and there is still plenty of time to reach those top two aspirations. It’s not like you’ve finished in 3rd (four times) or 4th place (six times) every time in the last 10 seasons. Okay, fine, maybe you are in for another whirlwind season. 

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